Inspirational Quotes ON the desktop
I try to keep my desktop clean so that I can display only the items that require my immediate attention. I also like to start my day with an inspirational quote. Since the desktop is the first thing one sees after booting up the system in the morning, here is a jugaad that uses Autohotkey and bginfo to put a random quote on your desktop.
I initially tried out Rainmeter and Samurize, but found them a bit too heavy for this simple application. Here is a way to do this without using any third part tools.
- Create a quotes text file which has one quote per line (myquotes.txt). The first line indicates the no. of quotes in the file.
- Use bginfo to show this text file on your desktop. Save the settings (BGInfoSetup.bgi). bginfo handles multi-monitor configurations which is a huge plus for me.
- Use Autohotkey functions to display a random quote every time the function is called. This can be called periodically using Autohotkey timers or as required. I call the function every time I add a to-do to be displayed on the screen.
1) Quotes file
3 Dwight Eisenhower – What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight; it’s the size of the fight in the dog. Peter Drucker – Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. John Wooden – Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
2) BGInfo setup
3) Autohotkey functions
; **************************************************
; Quotes displayed on desktop
; **************************************************
Run, bginfo.exe e:\Vinayak\bin\BGInfoSetup.bgi /timer:0,,Hide
QuotesFile = E:\Vinayak\bin\todo\myquotes.txt
FileReadLine, totallines, %QuotesFile%, 1
Random lineno, 2, %totallines%+1
FileReadLine, nextquote, %QuotesFile%, %lineno%
FileAppend, %nextquote%,
Tags: productivity, inspiration